Remembering the life of Janice Lynn Bowe
January 1st 1945 - December 1st 2020

It is so very difficult to sum up who Janice Lynn Bowe became to so many different people its baffling! An artist, friend, singer, grandmother, confidant, advocate, scottie owner, source of wisdom and most importantly a believer in Jesus Christ! In her way too short life here on this mud ball of a planet she was able to touch so many people in such a profound way that the massive outpour of love and sadness received from her passing was shocking! We only hope this website can shed a little more light on who she was and is while serving as a beacon to remember her by. Make sure you check back on this site from time to time as I will try to update this site with new photos, artwork and anything else we come across that can help us all remember Janice better!

When Janice was in the hospital right before she went home she wanted me to share with you all what she called her life quote:
Psalm 30:11-12 (NIV): You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever.

In addition she also very much liked this song she just heard and wanted me to share it with you all as well. Its also been added to her Spotify Playlist!