From an early age Janice had a great interest in the world of art. She found it to be a very important outlet for expression and personal growth. Her voice was found in drawing and painting working with so many different art mediums and exploring different styles. From acrylic, and watercolor to her much-preferred oil she would create as often as she could as her talent would grow more. She also professionally worked in calligraphy providing a service creating handmade wedding invitations among other things of that nature. Always growing, adapting and learning as she came into the digital age as she started dabbling in graphic design using a Macintosh and Photoshop as her new tools set as opposed to a brush and canvas that she never abandoned either. In early 2000 she with the support of her husband George she launched, a website featuring and selling her high-end art prints influenced by one of the other passion she had, that being the dog breed Scottish Terriers. She even had an interest in possibly writing and illustrating a Scottish Terrier children's book with a Christian message. Some sketches were already in production but unfortunately due to a decline in health she would never get the chance to finish it.

Here are just a few samples of some of the artwork Janice was involved with, if you'd like to see more and possibly even purchase some of it you can head over to for more information. Unfortunately, because Janice is no longer with us, the high-quality prints available on the site cannot be signed by her as she would sign them upon purchase but they still will be numbered on the back by her son Mike in pencil as we still have accesses to all sales records from the previous sales. All proceeds from any of the sales of her art work will go directly to supporting Janice's two fur babies Rory and River that she unfortunately left behind for her son to care for. The funds will be saved in case of any health concern or emergencies that might arise for either of the two puppies and possibly applied to a once a year Christmas gift for each of them brought by Santa Claus and sent from their Mom in heaven! :)

Janice Bowe's Pipers Mama Prints
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Janice Bowe's Paintings
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